Photo–report on a kayak trip around Lake Baikal
The Round–Baikal Railroad

26th June, 3rd day out, 69 km from Irkutsk. Cape Baklany. First day on Baikal. The lake met us with a glorious calm.

27th June, 4th day out, 109 km. Cape Kirkirey. Still quite cold, so there are practically no tourists.

28th June, 5th day out, 127 km. View from Cape Malaya Krutaya Guba.

29th June, 6th day out, 147 km. Cape Shamansky. The southern end of Baikal. Enormouse numbers of tourists and no firewood.

29th June, 6th day out, 169 km. Railroaders defend from Lake Baikal.

30th June, 7th day out, 196 km. The Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Mill is hidden in mist, but the monument to suppressed nature is here on the shore.

1st July, 8th day out, 215 km. Tan Bay — still winter here.

1st July, 8th day out, 232 km. Mamay Bay and River Osinovka (on the right).

1st July, 8th day out, 247 km. Sunset at Lake Baikal.

2nd July, 9th day out, 247 km. View from camp at Sosnovka River and bay against.

2nd July, 9th day out, 292 km. Sunset at Lake Baikal.

3rd July, 10th day out, 325 km. Misty and gale at Lake Baikal.

4th July, 11th day out, 379 km. The thrown nest of a herring gull at Karga peninsula.

5th July, 12th day out, 379 km. Posolsky cloister.

5th July, 12th day out, 383 km. It's going to rain.

6th July, 13th day out, 378 km. Circumventing the sandbanks near the Karga Babyya Islands.
The delta of the River Selenga

6th July, 13th day out, 391 km. Something like an hour was spent on the search for channels. We have begun the journey upstream.

7th July, 14th day out, 420 km. We will move down this channel to Baikal to the north of the Selenga delta.
Next: Part 2. The eastern coast from Proval Bay to Barguzine Bay